DoDECahedron Fingerboards

DoDECahedron Fingerboards was formed as a partnership between Katie and her son Henry, who at the time was very much into fingerboarding and wanted a step up from the standard techdecks. We bought a mould and some veneer and got experimenting!

Each board is made by hand. The veneers are chosen for their unique graining, or else split ply decks are made by cutting together coloured or contrasting veneers for the bottom layer. They’re moulded, hand cut and sanded and then polished to within an inch of their lives for wood that’s silky smooth. For a colour pop we stain some of our boards with alcohol inks and decorate them with a unique design using pyrography (wood burning).

We don’t lacquer our boards, preferring instead to use our own deck butter which is a blend of natural oils and waxes to nourish the wood and keep the deck naturally shiny.

All of our decks come with a choice of regular foam grip tape or our preferred option - using recycled suede as a natural grippy surface. It’s unconventional, but we break the mould!